S. Africa Man, “Dead” for 21 Hours, Awakes in Morgue…

In the midst of all the debt ceiling falderal, comes a story of a man, thought to be dead from an asthma attack, who awoke to find himself in a refrigerated morgue and (understandably!) began screaming.  According to the story, this scared the morgue workers away (understandably!), but upon their return, they found the man alive and in stable health, though perhaps a bit fridge-frosted.

Of course, for those of us unwilling to be duped by the media, we know what really happened here.  Finally, the undead walk among us.  Visit this site for more information and for help in preparing for the inevitable apocalypse.

About Mark Caleb Smith

Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Political Studies at Cedarville University.
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8 Responses to S. Africa Man, “Dead” for 21 Hours, Awakes in Morgue…

  1. Leah Pernicano says:

    This blurb is so bizarre, yet also hilarious!!

  2. Brian Cates says:

    Dr. Smith, thank you for alerting the class of this serious issue! Upon looking at the Zombie Research Society’s merchandise page, I feel “ready to outlive the undead” now more than ever before.

  3. Miki Takeuchi says:

    This is a weird story. He must have been surprised when he woke up. However, he is lucky that he survived so long in a chilled mortuary.

  4. Paul Schindler says:

    This story is weird but at the same time makes you wonder how many times this happens and the person is never found or buried alive. I just wonder how often in countries like Africa people assume that people are dead when they aren’t. What was the most bizarre was the Zombie Research Society’s page. I thought it was a joke at first till I started looking around more. These people actually think there will be a zombie apocalypse. I have always thought of it as a cool idea for a movie or video game but never thought it would be possible. These people have seven examples from the past when it is plausible that a zombie apocalypse could have accounted for the dead of the people. If this were real and actually something that happen I would think you would have more than seven possible examples from histroy. I could make up my own theory and find seven times in history when it would have been plausible. The seven they have all deal with things that are unknown so no theory could be proved or disproved. I found this site to be a bit ridiculous.

  5. Ashley Peterson says:

    definitely offbeat news… quite a hilarious story

  6. Kara Obuchowski says:

    I love that this article has nothing to do with politics. Quite hilarious. As a nursing student, I know that dead people have air that gets trapped in their lungs after death and air passing through their vocal cords can cause a noise. (okay so that’s a little morbid…) So, that would be really scary for the morgue workers! Except it wasn’t just a noise but someone talking!

  7. Sarah Denen says:

    Dr. Smith, you are officially one of my favorite professors. I find this article hilarious – a little creepy, but hilarious! Thank you also for your guidance is helping us understand that Zombies are clearly the truth behind this! It is quite nice to know that we have someone ready to alert us of these things.

  8. Jordyn Dresbach says:

    It’s nice to read a bit of news (as bizarre as it may be) that is not about the debt-ceiling or the Presidential campaign. I especially enjoyed the last line when they encouraged the South Africans to call on health officials to confirm that their relatives are really dead… as opposed to fake dead. The zombie website was slightly unsettling, and it is sad to think that their are really people out there who simply have too much time on their hands, and truly believe that a zombie apocalypse is imminent.

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